You are in homepage of familyensemble Rantamäki, you can find us from Alajärvi (ostrobothnia), Finland.
For a while we have appeared with Trio mother Martta and father Otto -accordions & daughter Anna-Liisa songstress
(sometimes daughters Margit and Merja
also have been with in performance-events).
Also we got bass player Matti Kuhalampi from Alajärvi with us in our newest record.

Ollaan suomalaisii” ('Let's be Finnish') -cd is our brand new record with 20 songs from different situations, present with emotions.

All songs are homemade, strains and most of lyric comes from Martta. Since middle of 70' she have made over 200 songs and more is coming.

First work of Martta "Muistoja Alajoelta" ('Memories from Alajoki') made it to first record "Mä mistä löytäisin sen laulun" ('Where should I find that song'(1977)) of daughter Merja. And there have been founded songs for Merja (8 LP-published)
 Also songs made of Martta 1-3 pieces /Lp, also one of the LP under the name "Parhaalle ystävälle" ('For the best friend') -that song is made of Martta. And good feedback has songs of Martta got, especially the words have touched the life of many listeners.

Previous record (CD + tape) ”Sanoin ja sävelin” ('with words and melodies'), duo Anna-Liisa & Merja, accordion duo Martta & Otto.
This record consist of 14 songs melodies, words and arrenged of Martta.

Before that (CD + tape) "Joululauluja" ('Christmas songs') 10 Christmas song with strains from Martta, lyrics also from Eila Pöntisenaho, Reetta Suo, Ulla Perälä and daughter Margit. We are singing as trio Anna-Liisa, Margit & Merja, accordion duo Martta & Otto

Record ”Lauluja Elämälle” ('Songs for the Life') (tape only) consists of 15 songs made of Martta and words beside of Martta also those abovementioned poets.
There we girls are singing solo with accordion duo Martta & Otto

Also there is tape from Anna-Liisa, Margit & Merja ”Rakasta, kärsi ja unhoita” - Rantamäen sisarukset" ('Love, suffer and forget'- Sisters Rantamäki') as trio singing and the accompaniment of studio-orchestra. 
There are 14 songs-7 pieces of Martta, arranged by young man Reino "Rene" Karppinen (Kajaani) whose song "Vanha mies" ('Old man') will be found from tape.

Martta has done also notebooks ”Sanoin ja sävelin  І, П & III" ('Words and notes') 101 songs and for "Joululauluja" ('Christmas songs') a small one.

Also single notes are available against reasonable compensation, and if you got need for your own song that is possible to do with Martta.

Just take a change and make the order!